About Dhanvantari Siddhar
According to the Purana’s Siddhar Dhanvantari is the embodiment from Vishnu in Hinduism who appeared during the time of the ocean’s churning. Bhagavata Purana declares that Dhanvantari was ascended out of into the Ocean of Milk as he was seen as the amrita pot of amrita (elixir that promises immortality) in the story of the Samudra (or) Sagara Mathana as the ocean was turned into a churn through the Devas and Asuras with the help of the Mandara mountain as well as snake Vasuki. Also, he appears throughout the Vedas and Puranas as the doctor of gods (devas) as well as is the God of Ayurveda.
However Siddhar Agathiyar in his highly acclaimed work Agathiyar 12000, states the following “Siddhar dhanvantari belongs to the ancestral lineage of Lord MahaVishnu and was born into an ancestral family with a musical tradition. Additionally, he studied Siddha Medicine System from top to bottom and sought information of the 18 Siddha’s”. In the euphoric history of Tamil Siddha Medicine System, Siddhar dhanvantari is in a distinct position as an advocate for the Ayurveda System of medicine, which is a part of the Siddha Medicine System.
He perfected a myriad of herbal remedies and cures that were natural and was recognized as the discoverer in the properties of anti-septic that turmeric has and salt’s preservative qualities which he utilized into his cures.
Being a highly skilled surgeon, according to what was considered to be the norm of his day He is thought to be the leading medical practitioner of the modern age such as plastic surgery. He is known as “Father of Ayurveda”. The celebration of his birthday by practitioners of Ayurveda each year on Dhanteras two days prior to Diwali.
He had written his own works on universal saltsand salts of the universe – Muppu, Amuri and Jayaneer. He also has performed black magic and other miracles that he has referenced in his writings with complete description. According to tradition the surgeon taught surgical methods and practices to Susrutha who was the father of Ayurvedic Surgery. His followers include Susruta, Pauskalavata, Aurabha, Vaitarana, and others. His Jeeva Samadhi is located located in Vaitheeswaran Koil, Chidambaram in Chidambaram, where there is a tiny temple dedicated to the saint. There are several dedicated temples dedicated to Dhanvantari within South India especially in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, where Ayurveda is highly valued and practiced. The Dhanvatari temple located in Thottuva located in Kerala is an extremely well-known temple where Lord Dhanvatari’s idol stands nearly six feet tall and is facing the east. On the right side, the Lord holds Amrith and on the left, he is holding Atta, Shanku, and Chakra. The ‘Ekadasi’day festival that falls in the exact same date as “Guruvayur Ekadasi celebration, is of particular significance.
His work is mostly Sanskrit which is considered to be an Ayurvedic medical system by people of the next generation. Yet, as with many Padinen Siddhas before him He also composed a number of mysterious songs in the Tamil language as well.